The fear of death is one of mankind's oldest fears, of which no one is quite sure what the "other side" is. 
How To Deal With Death Anxiety

In some cases, when a person suffers from heart disease, the fear of death increases and he needs to know that his time is almost over.
These feelings sometimes referred to as "death anxiety," often lead to grief and create many problems in their relationship. This "death anxiety" can sometimes be painful for the dying, although some emotional side effects have been observed.
In most cases, this problem is largely ignored in order to prolong the life of the patient or make their last days as comfortable and painless as possible. For most medical professionals, the physical side of death is much simpler than the emotional side.
Recently, however, more and more people have begun to pay attention to the problems caused by "death anxiety" and what steps can be taken to reduce the emotional pain of those involved. It basically involves both the deceased patient and the people around him who have to deal emotionally even after the death of the patient.
It is difficult for an individual to adapt to misery brought about by "death uneasiness". In fact, since the inevitability of death is hidden in the distance, the problem is likely to be greater than usual.
This is true for both the patient and the patient's loved one, who have to deal with the terrifying reality that the person they care for is dying. In context, depression can easily be viewed as a cause of death, as if a problem that severely affected the patient left the patient behind. "infects" those left behind.
Recent research shows that support groups often help people mentally prepare for death. This may require a little extra support for the patient and the patient's family to cope with the onset of death.
It is helpful to talk to people who are having trouble with others or who have a similar problem. Most psychologists believe that experiencing the same stressors and problems can help a person cope with both the loss of a loved one and the potential emotional loss that can lead to chronic illness.
Standard support materials such as magazines, pamphlets, and more have become popular among the sick over the past few years. Most mental health experts agree that periods of "death anxiety" have a positive effect on a person's overall mood, but these are usually not enough to prevent a person from becoming depressed. They can be helpful and are usually readily available in the offices of doctors and specialists who deal with these types of problems on a regular basis.
DISCLAIMER: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any kind of programme or making any changes to your diet.